Which begs the question is I drive Actually improving Orlando for the Better we'll answer that and more on This episode of coming soon to Orlando I noticed you haven't subscribed to our Channel yet make sure you hit the Subscribe button to stay up to date on Everything going on here in Orlando So first off let's quantify what is the IDrive area so yeah obviously International Drive that's what Everybody knows but there's also Universal Boulevard all the way down to Destination Drive and probably all the Way up to the Sand Lake area and then Really I drive continues all the way up Through over to the old Universal area With all Endless Summer and all the new Hotels that they've put over there Recently so for this video that's kind Of our area for iDrive as of late Orlando's I drive has really gotten some Bad rap you've got a lot of kind of the Old Vestige of I drive with Senior Frogs And Hooters and all the other kind of Stuff he also had a death over at Icon Park and you can see here they actually Tore down the place where the kid fell And replaced it with something Completely new but I think that as we Get through some of the loaf that kovid Really brought on with the slowdown in Development I think the more and more We're going to see these big projects

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Come online and start changing people's Perceptions of what I drive actually is One of my earliest memories of Orlando Wasn't actually Disney but it was Orange County Convention Center and they're Getting ready now to expand it another 200 000 square feet bringing the total Square feet of convention space a 2.3 Million square feet rivaling Chicago and Vegas if you've ever visited Orlando for Work this is probably where you went and You spilled out over onto I drive and For years I drive was really that CD Kind of old Florida Vibe but with all of These changes I think with the upgrades To the convention center and I drive It'll be a great place for people Locally or just traveling for business I Love seeing all the development going on Up and down Universal Boulevard and Behind me is epic universe and if you Don't know much about it we've got some Cool visuals to share epic universe is Going to have Nintendo World they're Going to have How to Train Your Dragon They're gonna have Fantastic Beasts two New hotels and so much more it's pretty Interesting because we're pretty far Away from the original two parks and Water park and so how they're going to Do buses back and forth and really tie These two together is yet to be seen one Major thing this new area is going to be The bright line that's going to come all
The way back down to Orange County Convention Center so people are going to Be able to get off on MCO jump on the Bright line and be dropped off right in Between all of the Universal Parks I Think this is a massive win for Universal and our area When I think about Orlando becoming a Little bit more sophisticated one of the Brands that sticks out to me is the W Hotel and if you see how far away we are From a lot of the other things from the Convention center and that sort of thing It's shocking to me that we're going to Have an iconic brand right on the corner Here right outside of Epic universe but It makes a lot of sense then if you keep Going down Destination Parkway you've Got a 36-story Hotel and Convention Center that's gonna be put in it's the Tallest building in all of Orlando and One of the things I love about it is There's going to be a 360 view on the Top of really all of this area of Orlando so you'll be able to see Disney Fireworks Universal fireworks Sea World And just really cool spots so if you Live in this area or you're just Visiting you're gonna have new Restaurants to visit you're gonna have So many other amenities that we don't Just have that's just not the same chain Over and over again to me that's Exciting when you hear a 36 story
Building and that's the tallest in Orlando you might think that that would Be more like downtown or over in Lake Nona but because you've got the Executive Airport downtown you really Can't go over 445 feet so it's going to Be an iconic piece right here in the IDrive area I think that's pretty cool Matters up let me get your baseball Okay are you playing baseball yeah Orlando City Soccer Orlando Magic and Now potentially the Orlando dreamers Well at least that's the placeholder Name for the MLB team that will be Coming to the Orlando area we're right Here on I-4 and right behind me is like The 528 area and they're going to try to Sneak in a 1.7 billion dollar baseball Stadium now at first I was like what About parking what about traffic it's Going to be crazy but really coming back This way it makes a lot of sense there's A 300 million dollar new expansion to Kirkman and the whole Road Network in This area and so expanding the offerings Up and down the iDrive area from theme Parks to sports what my hope is is that They get the Tampa Bay Rays to move up Because if you go to that Stadium for One the owners are not investing into The new stadium it looks terrible and There's really not a lot of people that Go to the games so if they're able to Get it to go to Orlando I think much
Like Vegas will have a ton of people That when they're visiting they'll want To see their team so if they're from Atlanta visiting Orlando they want to Come see the Braves play I think that This would be a complete home run if you Will The next thing that they have to get Through though to make sure that they Actually get this approved is they need 1.7 billion dollars for the stadium They've got 700 million dollars that is Now Going to be private investment and They're looking for 900 million or 950 From the county and it looks like it's Actually going to go through from Basically all the tourist attacks that We get we've had such a boom in tourism And so much tax going into the coffers That is just sitting there waiting so I Think it's a really big big opportunity And to me I think it'll go through So what is all this construction around IDrive actually mean for residents and Locals in the area and what is this Actually going to do for our real estate Well welcome to Paradiso by Park Square Homes it's the first short-term Rental Community in the Parks area really that I can even think of in the past 10 years or so we're just a stone's Throw from SeaWorld an equidistant Between Disney and Sea World and
Universal at this point there's 109 Single-family residences and 385 Townhomes they've actually stopped sales Right now because there is so much Interest that they needed to catch up Now what does that mean for this area Well if you know where the Williamsburg Area is in Orlando if you look on the Map I think there's going to be a lot More new development just like this an Investment area for people that are Looking to do short-term rentals I think That if the city was smart they would Help rezone a lot of these and help the Property values continue to rise up but Beyond that the iDrive strip really Touches that Sand Lake area which leads Into the Dr Phillips area and you see a Lot of these new areas over by O-Town West and the Bay Hill Neighborhood and All that stuff in Dr Phillips the values There continue to rise so I think a lot Of the older neighborhoods that really Need a lot of updating that were built In the 80s and 90s those are the Neighborhoods that also have massive Opportunity that's going to take Advantage of people working here Visiting here and wanting to be a part Of everything that's going on in this I Drive area so we are at Ripley's Mirror Maze over on iDrive and so much of What's going on here is a lot of this Stuff but there's a lot of other cool
Things that are coming as well this is Where we came from I see it I see it oh The place is trippy to say the least When I think about the corridor here the IDrive tourism Corridor and I started Comparing to maybe like Vegas that's Probably the easiest comparison it's More like a family-friendly Vegas of What's coming to the area before it was Just sort of a toss away area with a lot Of kitschy restaurants and different Shops you can buy T-shirts for two Dollars but now that it's becoming a Little bit more of an elevated Experience with Hampton social and a lot More great places to eat and to hang out And play you got Area 15 that's coming To the area and if you haven't seen that In Vegas it's like an indoor 300 000 Square foot adult playground it's gonna Be a lot of fun you've got story Lake Which is a Lennar neighborhood it's Going to be another 500 houses you've Got apartments and jobs and Entertainment and a lot of really cool Things coming to the iDrive area that's Going to make this elevated experience Way different than what it's been in the Past is iDrive gonna be the next Winter Park probably not but is it going to Give an elevated experience if you're Living here or just visiting here Absolutely and I'm really excited about It and if you're looking to buy one of
These short-term airbnbs around here or You're looking to just move to Central Florida my team and I would love to be Your real estate resource of choice so Email me info positgroup.com and we'll See you guys on the next video [Music] Thank you