So Tavistock put out their quarterly Update of what's going on here in the Lake Nona area and it was lengthy so Today I'm going to go through where We've been in Lake Nona here what is Lake Nona and where it's going there's a Lot of exciting stuff stay tuned [Music] So what exactly is Lake Nona before we Get started it's 11 000 Acres which is like 17 square miles Here in the city of Orlando and it's Owned by one company called Tavistock if You try to get an idea of how big that Is it's about two-thirds the size of Manhattan and there's a lot of cool Stuff coming to the area both Neighborhoods which we have plenty of But a lot of really great high-paying Jobs which we're going to get into next But then cool things like this like 50 New pieces of public art that's been Installed in the Lake Nona area we're Going to show you those later on but Let's get into some of the stuff that's Coming to the area There were a lot of cool facts that they Put into their quarterly report that I Had no idea of like did you know that 32 Percent of the residents that live in Lake Nona actually work from home which I think is a really high number and the Fact that there's fiber internet makes It a lot easier did you know that 21 of

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The home sales that happened last year Were from people moving from within Lake Nona which is similar to Celebration Really really high number or how about That a third of the residents that live In Lake Nona are actually members at the Performance center they're truly Actually delivering on their promise of Live work play at an elevated level like Nothing else we've seen in Orlando if You're familiar with the VA hospital and Really just this entire medical City Area they're getting a big expansion From the UCF new College of Nursing They're going to have 90 000 square feet And if you didn't know this this was an Interesting stat that they mentioned in The update was that UCF had its biggest Residency graduating class ever at a Thousand kids so between the medical Education and the world-class medical Care that you get in Lake Nona it makes It second to none really I don't think Anywhere else in Florida foxtail coffee Has some competition here in Lake Nona Because right on Lake Nona Boulevard and Veterans way there's a new Starbucks With a drive-through making it super Convenient if you're here in the area Beyond the performance center if you've Ever heard of Fountain life they're Actually getting to relocate their Headquarters here they're co-founded or Co-owned by Tony Robbins and they're
Doing some really cool stuff that's Really more proactive instead of Reactive Health they're using AI to look For cancer markers and a lot of cool Stuff that's not just going to the Hospital because you're sick they're Really trying to go after every facet of Your life there's a lot of new food Options coming to the Lake Nona area as Well one of which is right here at the Wave hotel right outside of the Sculpture garden it's called Omakase Which is apparently Japanese for I'll Leave it up to you they're gonna have a 10 seat area which is going to be the Traditional Japanese setup as well as The normal restaurant so I'm excited to See the continued evolution of new Restaurant options here in Lake Nona [Music] As Orlando becomes a little bit more Sophisticated we're getting more and More sophisticated jobs and simcon Aviation is doing something really cool In the Lake Nona area they have over 10 000 Pilots they'll be training here on 12 different Bays that they've built out Inside their new headquarters something Really cool and new here in the Orlando Area one thing people keep asking is is Disney still coming to the Lake Nona Area are they going to spend nearly a Billion dollars putting a new campus Here and the answer it looks like yes
They actually went before the Developmental Review Committee to sell Plans on what they want to build here in The lake known area and seeing that dirt Is starting to move I'm excited about Their final move hopefully in 2025 or 2026. beyond what we've already talked About there's infrastructure coming There's New Roads you've got Narcoossee Widening you've got the new library You've got the new Fire Station new Elementary School New Middle School Which will handle roughly like 1300 kids In the area and so I think it's smart Growth and that's important jobs are Important and real estate is important Right and so there's a lot of new real Estate coming the area you've got Loria Park 2 which is already selling Summerdale Park you've got the Toll Brothers neighborhood Laurel point and There's 80 New Lots coming to the Country club so if you are in that Luxury point and you want a really Custom house there's going to be those Options as well so I think it's really Cool and exciting what's coming to Lake Nona in 2023 and Beyond [Music] Whether you live here work here or just Like to play here in Lake Nona the Growth that's happening is good for Everybody in Orlando and so if you're Thinking about making a move to Lake
Nona or really anywhere in Central Florida my team and I would love to be Your real estate resource of choice Email me info and we'll See you guys on the next video [Music] Thank you